This vessel is listed in role playing games, such as those from Last Unicorn Games and Decipher, as a Talon-class ship. Star Trek: Armada and Star Trek: Armada II give this vessel the classification of Venture-class, a starship with a sensors that can be modified to detect cloaked enemies. 658))įor further information on the studio model, see Federation mission scoutship model. The cockpit of this scout ship, listed as "Starfleet scout ship", was a redress of the Class 2 shuttle Cochrane built for Star Trek: Voyager. ( Star Trek: Insurrection)īecause Michael Piller wanted the scene involving the scoutship to be similar to a World War I and II dogfight – in which both pilots were in open cockpits and could see each other – John Eaves created a vast windshield at the front of the scoutship. The vessel was accessible through its docking hatch on the ventral hull. It was slightly larger in size than the Type 11 shuttlecraft and carried dual-mounted phaser banks and photon torpedoes.

7 (Stardate 6424.2): 3-5.The scout was a single- pilot starship with a forward mounted cockpit separated from the rest of the vessel.

Vessels of the class were equipped with a Mark II Neutrino Control deflector, two Parsed KT-0514 impulse engines, an Oslo TC-134 regenerative deflector shield array, Sedans 47 planetary strip sensor arrays, a Mark II Tri-Dilithium warp core, and a Topaline coolant life support system.

As such, it had advanced systems that allowed it great versatility. The Ranger-class was designed for rapid emergency response and combat resolution. Inspiration for the layout of the Ranger-class came from the NX-class Mark II design utilized in the late 22nd century. The prototype of the class was destroyed at the Battle of Caleb IV in 2270 defending the USS Yorktown from a torpedo barrage.