However, I did eventually get SHOGUN 2 to work. None of any helpful indications after the splash launcher starts. Quoting: whizseAny error messages if you launch steam from a terminal and then launch the game normally? Last edited by Duck Hunt-Pr0 on 19 September 2020 at 6:36 pm UTC hastebin listings of Feral's "Generic Feral Launcher script" source: Shogun2.sh script., but which both does launch perfectly without issues whatsoever. Note: I've also got Total War: Warhammer (and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided), which are both utilizing the same engine etc. It's quite annoying having to give a game 'special treatments' to run it. And terminal output does not provide any useful info regarding what's the problem, as far as i can tell.Īnyone here experienced something similar, or have any tips on how to troubleshoot it further, or preferably how to resolve it?. So why there seems to be a difference, i've no idea ATM. I would assume that Steam would be using the Shogun2.sh script to launch the game upon clicking "Play". Though if i simply click "Play" on the game in the Steam client, the green "Running" status will only show for a split second or two, and then nothing happens. Which will launch the Steam client and then autostart the game/app itself, just fine. $ cd "$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Total War SHOGUN 2/" Though For some weird reason or another, I can run it just fine by manually executing the Shogun2.sh launch script (located at ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Total War SHOGUN 2/Shogun2.sh) in a terminal, and letting that launch Steam in addition to the game. Having a weird issue with Total War: Shogun 2, where it apparently won't run if executed directly trough the Steam client.