View mobile website.Now that the DLC is out, we went hunting for some of the less than historically accurate groups and nations that can be carried over. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. And you should start amassing prestige, as you'll need a lot either way 5k to form the Empire of Outremer, or 10k to form Outremer culture without the Empire.

In short, you need to convert to a Latin culture, or swear fealty to a Latin or Christian liege.

Then, you need to pay a hefty cost of 10k prestige, unless: you are the Emperor of Outremer, OR your top liege is the Emperor of Outremer, OR your top liege has Outremer culture. Then, the other requirements are: Crusades must have been unlocked you cannot be Roman or Outremer you OR your top liege must be Christian your capital is in Africa, the Middle East, or Persia you have an Arabic province in your realm, OR your top liege is Outremer AI can only take this decision if their top liege is Outremer. If you're Arabic, you also need to be Christian, under a Latin or Christian liege.

I looked on the wiki and couldn't find anything. Do you have to be a certain culture to have the option to form the Outremer culture? My guy is Bedouin. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.